29 research outputs found

    Interactive Non-Malleable Codes Against Desynchronizing Attacks in the Multi-Party Setting

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    Interactive Non-Malleable Codes were introduced by Fleischhacker et al. (TCC 2019) in the two party setting with synchronous tampering. The idea of this type of non-malleable code is that it "encodes" an interactive protocol in such a way that, even if the messages are tampered with according to some class F of tampering functions, the result of the execution will either be correct, or completely unrelated to the inputs of the participating parties. In the synchronous setting the adversary is able to modify the messages being exchanged but cannot drop messages nor desynchronize the two parties by first running the protocol with the first party and then with the second party. In this work, we define interactive non-malleable codes in the non-synchronous multi-party setting and construct such interactive non-malleable codes for the class F^s_bounded of bounded-state tampering functions

    Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables with Less Memory and Less Randomness

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    In this work we study Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) with small failure probabilities. IBLTs are highly versatile data structures that have found applications in set reconciliation protocols, error-correcting codes, and even the design of advanced cryptographic primitives. For storing nn elements and ensuring correctness with probability at least 1δ1 - \delta, existing IBLT constructions require Ω(n(log(1/δ)log(n)+1))\Omega(n(\frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\log(n)}+1)) space and they crucially rely on fully random hash functions. We present new constructions of IBLTs that are simultaneously more space efficient and require less randomness. For storing nn elements with a failure probability of at most δ\delta, our data structure only requires O(n+log(1/δ)loglog(1/δ))\mathcal{O}(n + \log(1/\delta)\log\log(1/\delta)) space and O(log(log(n)/δ))\mathcal{O}(\log(\log(n)/\delta))-wise independent hash functions. As a key technical ingredient we show that hashing nn keys with any kk-wise independent hash function h:U[Cn]h:U \to [Cn] for some sufficiently large constant CC guarantees with probability 12Ω(k)1 - 2^{-\Omega(k)} that at least n/2n/2 keys will have a unique hash value. Proving this is highly non-trivial as kk approaches nn. We believe that the techniques used to prove this statement may be of independent interest

    Interactive Non-Malleable Codes Against Desynchronizing Attacks in the Multi-Party Setting

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    Interactive Non-Malleable Codes were introduced by Fleischhacker et al. (TCC 2019) in the two party setting with synchronous tampering. The idea of this type of non-malleable code is that it encodes an interactive protocol in such a way that, even if the messages are tampered with according to some class F\mathcal{F} of tampering functions, the result of the execution will either be correct, or completely unrelated to the inputs of the participating parties. In the synchronous setting the adversary is able to modify the messages being exchanged but cannot drop messages nor desynchronize the two parties by first running the protocol with the first party and then with the second party. In this work, we define interactive non-malleable codes in the non-synchronous multi-party setting and construct such interactive non-malleable codes for the class Fboundeds\mathcal{F}^{s}_{\textsf{bounded}} of bounded-state tampering functions. The construction is applicable to any multi-party protocol with a fixed message topology

    On Statistically Secure Obfuscation with Approximate Correctness

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    Goldwasser and Rothblum (TCC \u2707) prove that statistical indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) cannot exist if the obfuscator must maintain perfect correctness (under a widely believed complexity theoretic assumption: NP⊈SZKAMcoAM\mathcal{NP} \not\subseteq \mathcal{SZK}\subseteq\mathcal{AM}\cap\mathbf{co}\mathcal{AM}). However, for many applications of iO, such as constructing public-key encryption from one-way functions (one of the main open problems in theoretical cryptography), approximate correctness is sufficient. It had been unknown thus far whether statistical approximate iO (saiO) can exist. We show that saiO does not exist, even for a minimal correctness requirement, if NP⊈AMcoAM\mathcal{NP} \not\subseteq \mathcal{AM}\cap\mathbf{co}\mathcal{AM}, and if one-way functions exist. A simple complementary observation shows that if one-way functions do not exist, then average-case saiO exists. Technically, previous approaches utilized the behavior of the obfuscator on evasive functions, for which saiO always exists. We overcome this barrier by using a PRF as a baseline for the obfuscated program. We broaden our study and consider relaxed notions of security for iO. We introduce the notion of correlation obfuscation, where the obfuscations of equivalent circuits only need to be mildly correlated (rather than statistically indistinguishable). Perhaps surprisingly, we show that correlation obfuscators exist via a trivial construction for some parameter regimes, whereas our impossibility result extends to other regimes. Interestingly, within the gap between the parameters regimes that we show possible and impossible, there is a small fraction of parameters that still allow to build public-key encryption from one-way functions and thus deserve further investigation

    Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices

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    The focus of this work are multi-signatures schemes in the synchronized setting. A multi-signature scheme allows multiple signatures for the same message but from independent signers to be compressed into one short aggregated signature, which allows verifying all of the signatures simultaneously. In the synchronized setting, the signing algorithm takes the current time step as an additional input. It is assumed that no signer signs more than one message per time step and we aim to aggregate signatures for the same message and same time step. This setting is particularly useful in the context of blockchains, where validators are naturally synchronized by the blocks they sign. We present Squirrel, a concretely efficient lattice-based multi-signature scheme in the synchronized setting that works for a bounded number of 2τ2^{\tau} time steps and allows for aggregating up to ρ\rho signatures at each step, where both τ\tau and ρ\rho are public parameters upon which the efficiency of our scheme depends. Squirrel allows for non-interactive aggregation of independent signatures and is proven secure in the random oracle model in the presence of rogue-key attacks assuming the hardness of the short integer solution problem in a polynomial ring. We provide a careful analysis of all parameters and show that Squirrel can be instantiated with good concrete efficiency. For τ=24\tau = 24 and ρ=4096\rho = 4096, a signer could sign a new message every 10 seconds for 5 years non-stop. Assuming the signer has a cache of 112 MB, signing takes 68 ms and verification of an aggregated signature takes 36 ms. The size of the public key is 1 KB, the size of an individual signature is 52 KB, and the size of an aggregated signature is 771 KB

    How to Compress Encrypted Data

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    We study the task of obliviously compressing a vector comprised of nn ciphertexts of size ξ\xi bits each, where at most tt of the corresponding plaintexts are non-zero. This problem commonly features in applications involving encrypted outsourced storages, such as searchable encryption or oblivious message retrieval. We present two new algorithms with provable worst-case guarantees, solving this problem by using only homomorphic additions and multiplications by constants. Both of our new constructions improve upon the state of the art asymptotically and concretely. Our first construction, based on sparse polynomials, is perfectly correct and the first to achieve an asymptotically optimal compression rate by compressing the input vector into O(tξ)\mathcal{O}(t \xi) bits. Compression can be performed homomorphically by performing O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n) homomorphic additions and multiplications by constants. The main drawback of this construction is a decoding complexity of Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}). Our second construction is based on a novel variant of invertible bloom lookup tables and is correct with probability 12κ1-2^{-\kappa}. It has a slightly worse compression rate compared to our first construction as it compresses the input vector into O(ξκt/logt)\mathcal{O}(\xi\kappa t /\log t) bits, where κlogt\kappa \geq \log t. In exchange, both compression and decompression of this construction are highly efficient. The compression complexity is dominated by O(nκ/logt)\mathcal{O}(n \kappa/\log t) homomorphic additions and multiplications by constants. The decompression complexity is dominated by O(κt/logt)\mathcal{O}(\kappa t /\log t) decryption operations and equally many inversions of a pseudorandom permutation

    Jackpot: Non-Interactive Aggregatable Lotteries

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    In proof-of-stake blockchains, liveness is ensured by repeatedly selecting random groups of parties as leaders, who are then in charge of proposing new blocks and driving consensus forward, among all their participants. The lotteries that elect those leaders need to ensure that adversarial parties are not elected disproportionately often and that an adversary can not tell who was elected before those parties decide to speak, as this would potentially allow for denial-of-service attacks. Whenever an elected party speaks, it needs to provide a winning lottery ticket, which proves that the party did indeed win the lottery. Current solutions require all published winning tickets to be stored individually on-chain, which introduces undesirable storage overheads. In this work, we introduce {non-interactive aggregatable lotteries} and show how these can be constructed efficiently. Our lotteries provide the same security guarantees as previous lottery constructions, but additionally allow any third party to take a set of published winning tickets and aggregate them into one short digest. We provide a formal model of our new primitive in the universal composability framework. As one of our main technical contributions, which may be of independent interest, we introduce aggregatable vector commitments with simulation-extractability and present a concretely efficient construction thereof in the algebraic group model in the presence of a random oracle. We show how these commitments can be used to construct non-interactive aggregatable lotteries. We have implemented our construction, called {Jackpot}, and provide benchmarks that underline its concrete efficiency

    Steganography-Free Zero-Knowledge

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    We revisit the well-studied problem of preventing steganographic communication in multi-party communications. While this is known to be a provably impossible task, we propose a new model that allows circumventing this impossibility. In our model, the parties first publish a single message during an honest non-interactive pre-processing phase and then later interact in an execution phase. We show that in this model, it is indeed possible to prevent any steganographic communication in zero-knowledge protocols. Our solutions rely on standard cryptographic assumptions

    Multi-Collision Resistance: A Paradigm for Keyless Hash Functions

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    We introduce a new notion of multi-collision resistance for keyless hash functions. This is a natural relaxation of collision resistance where it is hard to find multiple inputs with the same hash in the following sense. The number of colliding inputs that a polynomial-time non-uniform adversary can find is not much larger than its advice. We discuss potential candidates for this notion and study its applications. Assuming the existence of such hash functions, we resolve the long-standing question of the round complexity of zero knowledge protocols --- we construct a 3-message zero knowledge argument against arbitrary polynomial-size non-uniform adversaries. We also improve the round complexity in several other central applications, including a 3-message succinct argument of knowledge for NP, a 4-message zero-knowledge proof, and a 5-message public-coin zero-knowledge argument. Our techniques can also be applied in the keyed setting, where we match the round complexity of known protocols while relaxing the underlying assumption from collision-resistance to keyed multi-collision resistance. The core technical contribution behind our results is a domain extension transformation from multi-collision-resistant hash functions for a fixed input length to ones with an arbitrary input length and a local opening property. The transformation is based on a combination of classical domain extension techniques, together with new information-theoretic tools. In particular, we define and construct a new variant of list-recoverable codes, which may be of independent interest